Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update from Lucille Andrus.

Thanks for all your work and now the work to continue with the blog. I'm happy to have my name and e-mail address on the blog. The address must be right: tedmck@telusplanet.net (my husband and I share it) but my name got spelled in correctly: Lucille (Andrus) McKellar I suppose most people from our class have ever only known one Lucille so they won't be confused.

An up-date on info: We live in Sherwood Park, AB; have three married sons: Mark, Craig & Scott and have four grand daughters. Ted is a pastor and I keep busy keeping up with the family. I taught for a number of years and then in more recent years, worked with special-needs children. Now I guess I am retired though it doesn't feel like it.


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